Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rise Up, Lady Lawyers

Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do. I put people in jail. It’s a pretty solid gig. However, I’m a twenty-something girl with long hair, a somewhat fit body, and what some would call a semi-attractive face, so do you think I get taken seriously in the legal profession? Not always. 
Oh my sweet friend, it is a MAN’S world. I’m reminded of that every time I get called, “young lady” or referred to as “hot” right before some guy asks at the podium for me to drop his case.
I’ve decided, ladies, it’s time to change things. It’s time to band together and show the legal world, nay the professional world, that we can wear pink nail polish, gloss our lips, yet still stand on our own…AND in four-inch pumps. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our feminine attributes just to be taken seriously in the courtroom. Oh no, in this ole’ boys club, I’m ready to shake things up. I’m ready to whip their tails in trial, then chase my victory down with some white wine and a manicure. Even though it's 2014, it still feels like women are supposed to be charming, smile a lot, and laugh at the men’s jokes. I’m charming as hell, but if your joke aint’ funny? I ain’t laughing.
It’s difficult enough balancing life: work, family, friends, gym, sleep…but to have to throw in “proving your worth”? That’s too much. Let’s change this. That’s what this blog is about. A place for all you lady lawyers to know that you’re not alone. To know that others out there embarrass themselves at the podium, research the wrong cases, get not-guilty verdicts, and question their every move. However, with all that on our plate the last thing we need is to be worrying about finding our place in this man’s world. Oh no, our time is now.
If you think that it’s an equal playing ground for men and women, then I hate to say it, but you’re more wrong than Scalia is in most of his opinions (kidding. Kind of.).
So share this post but more importantly, share the attitude. Share the message. Rise up.
Put your favorite heels on and strut your stuff. Just don’t forget your statute book.