Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bar Prep Schmar Prep and Stray Cats

Bar Prep; it has officially begun! Kyle and I are surrounded by big binders of outlines and handouts, while our MacBooks broadcast quirky Ivy League professors refreshing our memories on the Rule Against Perpetuities, Fee Simple Absolutes, and Landlord-Tenant relationships. It's actually not bad though; I like the schedule and it helps that my husband is my study partner. We wake up early in the morning, read, watch our movies, take a nap, eat lunch, study more, go to the gym, study, eat dinner, study, and then go to bed. I like it! I am extremely surprised because I am a girl who thinks that a productive day is going to the gym, the beach, getting a manicure, and reading one of my favorite books soooo this is obviously slightly different. 
Our two boxers are quite taken aback by our constant staring at "box" (our dog's word for laptop. Yes, our dogs use words, doesn't everyone's?) and as much as I love them, if they wanted to help out and make some flashcards or bake some oatmeal cookies, maybe I'd be more obliged to run around the park with them. Just a thought if you're reading this, Macon and Clarence...
We found our new house that we're moving to in Lakeland. It has three bedrooms, a separate office, a garage, a laundry room and a backyard. I can't wait to actually have closet space, and a backyard, and a garage to hide the ridiculous amount of Christmas decorations that we own. How strange, so much change in so little time but it's good change and I'm thrilled. I often wonder how I got to this place in life but I'm not complaining!
I've taken a liking to the stray cats in this area. I worry about that because I could see myself talking to them and hanging out with them. Out of pity, of course. How wonderful for my professional reputation that one day someone will see me conversing with the mangy cats down the street. I used to also save worms as a child after rainstorms so this really shouldn't be too surprising.
Oh well, until next time my little limited audience, enjoy life and pet a cat!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Ah, a blog. I have tried several times to write a blog but I usually get bored with it. That is usually not a great sign when trying to entice people to read about your life. So, here it is: my blog that I will update as much as I can with posts that are not too self-helpy, self-loathing, or self-actualizing.

My husband, Kyle, and I are graduating next week from law school, then spending a romantic summer studying for the Florida Bar Exam, and then a week later we begin our new jobs at the 10th Circuit State Attorney's Office. Yes, you read that correctly, we both got hired at the same office, and no it isn't weird or awkward and we won't bicker about who drank the last of the milk that morning while trying to take someone's depo. We are a team, and a great one at that and so it is to no surprise of anyone close to us that we both got hired.  We are both so thrilled!

I am going to be an aunt this fall; my brother and sister-in law will be having a baby and I am so excited. We call already him "frijolito" (and we call him a him, which we don't know for sure about...) which means "small bean". My sister-in-law, Ale, is from Mexico and my brother speaks fluent Spanish and I like to pretend that I speak great Spanish and so it's fun to call him frijolito!

I wish I could write more but I began this blog at an inopportune time: one of my dogs is thrashing around trying to catch his non-existent tail in an effort to get my attention and so I must go walk him. Stay tuned, world, for I will write more (when there are actual, substantive things to write about...)